Fashion as voice
We live in a world where everyone has his own taste and style. Although most people are willing to condemn others just because they do not have the same look at clothing as they are. I know by myself that I dress as I feel. Day after day, sometimes I'm happy sometimes sad, I would wear a cheerful color, and sometimes it would be a black lady. I would call it Fashion Mood. Get dressed the way we feel? Why not? Because of that, thousands of ideas for an excellent outfit always come out of it. Every characteristic of a person can show up on him, and you can always figure out how he is today.
Life is not perfect, is it? But can the outfit be ? In essence, the style makes a lot of things. To express yourself, you do not need to buy expensive clothes, jewelry. The important thing is how it will bring you to the world. This is just one small introduction to what I'm preparing for you. I hope this will be a good start. A good start for new things. Dress up and give your voice. To the next time.
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Živimo u svetu gdje svako ima svoj ukus i stil. Mada većina ljudi je spremno osuđivati druge samo zato što nemaju isti pogled na oblačenje kao oni. Znam po sebi da se oblačim kako se osjećam. Dan za danom, nekad sam srećna nekad tužna, nekad bi nosila vesele boje, a nekad bi bila black lady. Ja bih to nazvala fashion mood. Oblačiti se onako kako se osjećamo? Zašto da ne? Jer ipak iz toga uvek izroni hiljade ideja za odličan outfit. Svaka karakteristika kod čoveka može da se pokaže na njemu, i uvek možete da procenite kako je on zapravo danas.
Život nije savršen, zar ne? Ali može li vas outfit biti? U suštini stil čini mnogo stvari. Da bi se izrazili ne morate kupovati skupocjenu odjeću, nakit. Bitno je to kako će te to iznijeti svijetu. Ovo je samo jedan mali uvod u ono što spremam za vas. Nadam se da će ovo biti dobar početak. Dobar početak za nove stvari. Obucite se i dajte svoj glas. Pozdrav do sledećeg puta.
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